Setup/Production Plan Service

This document describes, how to use the technology adapter to generate a setup/production plan HTML or get a data file. The HTML contains the data that is extracted/compiled from the various inputs. If you are only interested in the data that is used to generate the HTML file you can also just get this data as a JSON.

Setup plan

Represents one sheet program.

Production plan

Consists of several sheet programs that are attached to each other in one LST file.

To try it out you can use our API reference.

For all following requests you will need to provide an AUTHORIZATION header containing the access token from the response body cross origin login. The token itself is a bearer-authentication token.

Authorization: Bearer <Token>

General information

Supported languages

The currently supported languages for the production plan HTML are:

  • Chinese (cn)

  • English (en)

  • German (de)

The language can be set in the request with the language property. There is no such property for the setup plan.

Setup plan

Generate HTML

Generate a setup plan as HTML from various inputs.

Compile setup plan data

Compile the setup plan data from various inputs and return it as JSON.

Production plan

Generate HTML

Generate a production plan as HTML from various inputs. The result is a string representing the HTML file.

Compile production plan data

Compile the production plan data from various inputs and return it as JSON.