Release Notes

January 19, 2021

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs

  • Upgrade to TruTops Boost Cut version 12.02. used to compute NC program for TruLaser Center 7030 (L26).

November 16, 2020

  • The sheet separation cut module uses a machine learning model now to figure out where sheet separation cuts should be applied. Besides the more obvious parameters such as sheet size and remainder sheet size, this model also takes additional variables such as material properties, country into account. In the short term this logic will be applied only if the confidence of the model is very high, so right you will rarely experience differences. We anticipate to rely more on this dynamic model in the future though.

November 13, 2020


  • Fix: Same LTT viewer names were returned multiple times

November 2, 2020

Nesting Sheet Program Jobs, Nesting Jobs

  • Avoid unnecessary rotations of symmetric parts.

October 29, 2020

Nesting Sheet Program Jobs, Nesting Jobs

  • Fix bug in nesting: Don’t center parts on sheet if there is a reusable remainder sheet.

October 23, 2020

  • Fix translation of error message 24000301: This error message is displayed if no Laser Technology Table (LTT) could be found for the current settings.

October 7, 2020

Nesting Sheet Program Jobs, Nesting Jobs

  • Upgrade to CNS nesting kernel V7/Sept.2020

  • Support common-cut between different parts

October 5, 2020

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs, NC Compilation Jobs

  • If necessary, parts are fixed by several microjoints (normally 2) to prevent tilting.​


  • Upgrade to Zelos v1.11.1.

September 21, 2020

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs NC Compilation Jobs

  • Generate NC programs with subprograms to enable re-entrance and re-production.

    Limitations: No subprograms are generated for common-cut related NC code
  • Improved error message when calculation fails due to missing technology data for given choice of input parameters.


  • Upgrade to Zelos v1.11.0.

September 17, 2020


  • Upgrade to Zelos v1.10.6.

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs

  • Bugfix: Preferred Approach Position attributes defined by the caller are now considered even when microjoints are used instead of plain lead-ins. In such a case, only the user defined approach positions are considered for now, without falling back to system defined approach positions.

August 11, 2020


  • Introduce pagination. Listings of laser technology tables and rules are returned in pages with a limited number of results per request. Please use the @odata.nextLink to navigate through pages.

    Since this is a breaking change v3 of the API was introduced.
    Please upgrade your clients to v3, since v2 is marked deprecated.

July 23, 2020


  • Upgrade to Zelos v1.10.2.

June 29, 2020

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs

  • Slits are recognized and processed automatically. Slits can be constructed

    • as open curves ending inside a region of the same product, or

    • as tapering of a contour with width equal to or less than twice the laser kerf.

      Slits are only cut once by using common-cut strategies.

      For slits constructed as tapering of a contour, only line segments are recognized, yet.

      constructed slit

June 23, 2020

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs

  • Include UTC date in EINRICHTEPLAN_INFO in the sheet program LST in German format DD.MM.YYYY.

  • Avoid placing pierce points for open curves inside a region of the same part when possible.

  • Introduced job attributes to configure the minimal size of remainder sheets (3bd47dbc-0236-4f72-a064-b2cf884938e4) and to allow/disallow cutting up scrap areas (c53ad2f6-0267-41b6-979c-6a63d2c67b0a).

June 18, 2020

(Nesting) Sheet Program Jobs

  • Vaporize oxidized (scaled) surface

    In order to improve cutting quality on oxidized (scaled) surfaces, the oxide layer is vaporized before the sheet is cut.

    Note, vaporize processings are also created for materials with top-side film.